
Showing posts from November, 2023

Weekly Vocabulary

 1. Cyanotype: a photographic printing process that produces a blue-cyan print 2. Wet plate/Dry plate Photography: Wet plate photography uses photo chemicals to produce a print on silver emulsion while dry plate photography uses photo inks to produce a print on a surface coating of ink. 3. Collodion Process: an early photographic process. It involves coating, sensitizing, exposing, and developing. 4. GIF File: a raster file format that can contain both static and animated images. 5. Calotype Photography: was the first photographic process to use a negative to create a positive image. It was invented by William Henry Fox Talbot.

Cartoon - GIF


5 cartoons - 1 canvas


5 cartoons


Artist of the Week - Martin Chambi

 Top Images 1. The quality of Martin's images is amazing especially for the time period he was in. He was able to take great photos of the environment and represents his time well. 2. The photos seem to always have a primary subject and emphasize it. They make everything very clear and look great. 3. I  find the range of subjects he takes pictures of to be very interesting. Each photo has a unique aspect to it and represents his world in a different way.

Weekly Vocabulary

1. Vignette: small illustration or photo that fades into background without specific border 2. Bokeh: the aesthetic quality of the blur produced in the part that is not focused of an image 3. Aperture Priority: Camera mode that allows the photographer to choose an aperture value while camera sets a shutter speed to match it 4. Ambient Light: any light the photographer did not bring to the shoot, the natural light 5.Blue Hour: the time right before a sunrise or right after a sunset when the sun is below the horizon and the sky becomes deep blue

Annie Leibovitz- Artist of the Week

   It feels almost as though we are experiencing the moment. The technical quality of her photos is amazing and is able to catch a lot of details. The composition is also great and each images is able to be seem almost as well as if we were there in person. Yes, it tells a story because you can see the expressions of the people set the tone of the photos along with what they are wearing and doing. I find the big variety of people she photographs interesting because I see she photographed Kendrick Lamar along with all these actors and other people.

Artist of the week -Sudhir Shivaram

 Top 2 Images 1. The technical quality of his photos is amazing and is able to catch many details. It feels almost as though we are experiencing it first hand. 2. The composition is great and each images is able to tell a story almost as though we are there in person. 3. It does not look posed in my opinion everything looks very natural so that makes me think that the photographer connected with his subjects 4. Yes, it tells a story because you can see different scenes of the daily activities of animals and you can easily tell what they are doing and infer why they are doing it. For example, the birds at the top are most likely migrating or returning to their nest because of the sunset. 5. I find it interesting that he photographs animals. I cannot imagine how long it must take to wait for the animals to pose as he would like them to.

2 Cartoons
